Andrew is eleven weeks old today!
He brings so much sunshine into our days! He has rolled over from front to back for the first time and he laughs! He started out with such short little laughs that I wasn't sure that was what it was, kind of like his smile did. As they have matured I can see clearly now he was truly laughing but I couldn't tell you when he laughed for the first time, sometime about two weeks ago. He smiles a lot now! The other day one of the neighbor ladies came over to drop off her annual loaves of bread. Andrew had been really upset but as soon as I opened the door he was quiet and all off ;). As an aside, I've told Lee that if we ever move I'll have to get her bread recipe, after having it so many years in a row it wouldn't seem like Christmas without it, and it is delicious! Anyway, Andrew coos and has extremely strong tummy muscles! He is so anxious to get up and go that sometimes I think he could fling himself out of his seat if he wasn't buckled in! He still eats seemingly non-stop and has topped 14 pounds now. Doris, another neighbor, is floored every time she sees him at how quickly he's growing. We finally got some pictures printed off of him just yesterday! Yeah!!! I never sent out birth announcements because I didn't have pictures so now I'm going to stick them into Christmas cards, I can't believe how long it took us to get them printed! I know some people will be thrilled to finally have a picture! Now I know that I could have sent them in over email and all Lee would have had to do would be to pick them up, that's nice to know for next time...I've been on Ritz's website many times lately and never saw that option listed.
We are right in the thick of the Christmas season now. I'm hoping to do a post after Christmas chronicling our holiday detailing how we celebrate and why. We are making homemade wreaths for Christmas gifts this year for our neighbors and Lee's employees, hopefully we can finish them tomorrow! We'll probably supplement them with white chocolate coated pretzels. I have yet to start the Christmas candy! I hope to have the girls working on the pretzels today, they will probably be able to do the chocolate dipped potato chips and the peanut butter balls largely by themselves as well, and the best part is they think that all of that monotonous dipping is actually fun! Ah, I have hit that time of my life I used to dream of when my mother would say, "When you have children you can make them do it...." heehee ;).
We took a walk around our neighborhood after dark the other night to see the lights and the girls sang Christmas carols as we went. At one point we thought that Bethani had lost a doll Tori had let her hold (ended up she had dropped it before we even left the house) and we heard Tori sniffing. Thinking she was crying over her doll Lee asked her what was wrong, "My nose is running. ", she answered. "Well", Lee replied teasingly, "Run it down (as in, chase it down)!". To which Tori replied in an incredulous tone, "I'm trying to run it up!!!!" and added a bit confidentially, "I don't want to lick it....". Ewww, note to self: don't leave the house without a Kleenex ;). This was, of course Andrew's first time participating in the annual Christmas walk, here he is all bundled up in his sling ready to go:
He really wasn't terribly impressed, he ended up falling asleep before we got but a few houses down from ours!
I know it is probably a bit late for Christmas but I thought I would end with a few recommendations for future gifts. We recently got the
My Creation Bible by Answers In Genesis for Andrew and I was very impressed. It is a children's board book and appears extremely durable, the illustrations are impressive and it is very true to scripture. It does a beautiful job of tying the Old Testament and the New Testament together. I know Andrew is a bit young yet, but Bethani loves it and even Bri and Tori enjoy the pictures and listening to the story. We also got paper dolls based on the Elsie series for Bri and Tori, these are the most beautiful paper dolls I have ever seen and appear to be pretty durable for a paper doll. It comes with instructions for how to turn the book into a folder for your dolls and a little case to assemble that holds the cards that contain the history of all of the styles, like what was a "riding habit" and when and why was it worn, making them great learning tools as well! The girls love them and they were so beautiful and fun to look at that I hardly noticed the blister on the back of my finger from the hours of cutting it took to get them cut may want to try cutting them out in phases if you invest in these ;)...
We got Bethani a beginners wooden magnetic doll, here she is putting her "new baby" to sleep in her box ;)...
We got her a wooden one thinking it would be nearly indestructible...until we found several pairs of the dolly's shoes in mommy's 7-Up can later that is never dull with Bethi around.
Now, I need to scoot so I can try to get the ball rolling on all of our many projects! I hope you all are having a blessed holiday season!
"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this." ~Isaiah 9:6&7