
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Three Very Good Reasons to Move?

1. The bullet in the back of the neighbor's house.
2. The Black Widow who was living in the garage up until Lee discovered it the day before yesterday...

3. The Velvet Ant (aka Cow Killer) that Tori and I found guarding the front door when we came home from the grocery store last night...

And alas, no moving prospects on the horizon.

Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. ~Philippians 4:11

I suppose that includes even the "state" of South Carolina, huh?
I'm working on it ;)...


  1. I hate critters, too. I love Michigan's lack of most poisonous stuff...winters are too cold for them.

    Weird that you have bullet pushers.....must be kids?

    keep us posted?

    I was ready to move when we started to see gang writing on our street signs in our neighborhood. There were rentals down past the other end of the neighborhood, and we started to see foot traffic that was a little scary.


  2. Oh, those are critters we don't see here. I would want to be thinking of moving too! But you have quoted a great verse, no matter where we live, we must be content where God has planted us. ((((Hugs))))

  3. I know how you feel... when we lived in Missouri, our (very old) apartment had some sort of brown recluse infestation and we started finding lots and lots of brown recluse spiders in our house... like several every day!! And Joshua even woke up with one on him one night. Ick!! You just have to pray a lot when stuff like that happens. :)

  4. We still have no new information on the incident next door. The new neighbors will be moving in any day now. Lee has met the husband and he seems nice enough :). We actually considered moving to Michigan once but we moved down here to be closer to family for a while among other reasons. Now we are hoping for an opportunity to escape the seasonless climate anddeadly insects ;)!

    I have to admit I thought the Velvet Ant was actually kind of pretty...but it is much prettier in the picture we took than in real life ;). At least they aren'tdeadly, the Black Widow made me really, really uncomfortable...

    Wow Tammy! That would be a little scary!

  5. What fascinating creatures! Though I have to admit I've never had the pleasure of personally meeting either of them. ;-)


  6. Yikes! That ant looks really scary. Yes, pretty at the same time, too.

    Colorado is nice. Very few bugs. *wink*
