
Friday, November 10, 2006

Looks Like I've Got Some Shopping To Do!

After nine years of raising girls we have acquired quite the collection of toys for girls; dress up clothes from prairie girl to princess, baby dolls, doll beds, doll strollers, doll...well, you get the picture. So, with this new little man we're practically starting from scratch! It has been fun to go baby clothes shopping again, just yesterday we had to go out and buy a 3 to 6 month collection of clothes, his toes were about to poke through his current sleepers!

Bri went through the toy boxes the other day to organize them (of her own volition! yes!!!) and in the process she pulled out all of the "boy toys" and brought them to me saying, "Here are all of the boy toys I found; a bunch of cars, a ball, and this thing.". "This thing" was a sheriff's badge ;).

There they are :). Aside from the set of blocks we own and some chunky legos, those are "Andrew's toys". Tori felt sorry for him so she brought me this:

"Here", she told me, "I made this for Andrew since he doesn't have much toys...". She made him a paper airplane :).

I don't plan on collecting a ton more toys, we have been going through the process of paring down the girls selection for a couple of years now and they still have too much! I think a few cars and some blocks is a pretty good start actually, especially considering that I have no clue where most of it came from! And I don't think there is anything wrong with a little boy practicing for fatherhood with baby dolls. We are planning on getting some "boy books" for Andrew for Christmas (the majority of our books have a bit of a feminine leaning as well. Of course there is always Laura Ingalls Wilder's Farmer Boy, I can't wait to get to share that book with a little boy :). He isn't really complaining about a lack of toys right now but I'm having a hard time restraining myself from going broke with The Vision Forum's boys catalog :)...


  1. I don't mind though...

    btw, your family is gorgeous!!!

  2. I remember collecting some boy toys after Nathaniel was born! :)

  3. Which reminds me I must get a box sent out to you, Andrew will out grow it if I don't do it soon! :)

  4. the last 2 comments were from me, I didn't realize I was not logged in. :)

  5. Hi Nadine, isn't it fun?! and who doesn't like a good excuse to shop ;).

    Hey Tanya! Ooo, now I've got something to look forward to :).

    I'm hoping to post a 6 week picture later tonight, can you believe he is six weeks already?!

  6. I meant to tell you that I love your new avatarTanya!

  7. I was just thinking today, that he is 6 weeks. How the time flies!!

  8. Did you see Bethani's blog posts earlier? I haven't the foggiest idea how she got it to post multiple times! Note to self...close my blog page when I must step away for any length of time. I wish I had saved it to show Lee, who knew Bethi was already so technologically capable?!
