
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

An Abbi Update

I haven't forgotten about the promised birth story. I've also got so many sweet pictures I would love to share, like this one...

I haven't had much of an opportunity for typing because my arms have been ful. Abbi has already taught her mother much ;). A few days after she was born she was crying inconsolably at about three in the morning and I finally started crying myself and exclaimed to Lee, "She's my fifth baby and I don't know what to do!". This was something I hadn't expected because our last few babies have been so relatively "easy". He calmly reminded me that she may be our fifth baby but she was our "first Abbi" ;). I've reminded myself of that every time that those "I don't know what to do!" feelings creep up. Bri was a pretty fussy baby, but looking back I think it was largely the fact that she was on formula. On top of that we just were not the parents then that we are now. Being young and unsure of our instincts we bought in to the "just let them cry" crowd, and boy did she! Over time she "taught" us a better way and by toddler hood we were fitting well into the attachment parenting crowd, though until recently I didn't realize there was an actual label to our style of parenting.

Anyway, back to Abbi...the poor baby is miserable :(. I thought we had made a break though the last couple of days, but after a time of quiet she ends up screaming again. She is wetting diapers better than any baby that I can remember but she isn't having hardly any of the "other kind" of diapers. The pediatrician and the midwife both say that that can be normal for a nursing baby but it is hard for me to accept that her screaming in such discomfort can be normal. We have another pediatrician appointment tomorrow and I am hoping that he can tell me something I can do to help her. Your prayers that if there is an issue it would be uncovered would be greatly appreciated. On the other hand, if this is truly something that she will just have to grow out of could you please pray for her mommy?! I am having a really hard time seeing her so sad and seemingly hurting and there is nothing I can do about it. We have tried warm baths and simithecone which helps very temporarily. You know I'm serious when I've actually given her something! I do not like to do medications unless absolutely necessary, I only took Tylenol myself twice after she was born and tried to time it to where she wouldn't get any when she nursed, but she was so uncomfortable that I thought the simithecone was worth a try.

Some very good news, she's doing much better at nursing!!! No real problems there at this point, yeah! In fact, nursing is often the only thing that will soothe her. I do have quite the nursing story to share but it will have to wait, it deserves it's own post ;).


  1. Poor mommy!

    I hope you can find an answer soon. Have you tried eliminating dairy?

  2. We are doing so much better :), yeah!!!

    I hadn't tried eliminating dairy but I had tried a food diary and hadn't seen anything that raised red flags.

  3. I'm sorry to hear you have had such a hard time. You and baby Abbi are in my prayers!

    I'm still learning too! Each baby can be so different. :)

