
Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Birthday Boy

We have a one year old in the house again! Andrew turned a year old yesterday.
Wow! I can't believe it has already been a year. How I wish life came with a pause button.
Here he is one year ago...

And now just yesterday...

Got something for me to fix, Mom?

It was a day full of thankfulness for this little blessing and the delight he has been to our family.
Praise God for His good gifts!

Bri turned ten (double digits!!!!) on the 12th, things were kind of messed up around then, as you all know, but she was really sweet about it. Andrew's birthday was yesterday, it was so much fun to decorate in blue for a birthday this year! Tonight we traded in the blue decorations for pink and we will celebrate Tori turning six tomorrow!!! After that life should calm down for a little while.

I want to thank you all for your prayers and encouragement during this time. It has been greatly, greatly appreciated. I am still dealing with some of the physical aspects of the miscarriage, which is a hard reminder to live with, but I'm doing a bit better emotionally. I will update more on that later, but right now I wanted to be sure to share this joyful celebration of Andrew's birthday with you all before time got away from me again and he turned two ;)!

Have a blessed day, my friends!


  1. Happy birthday Andrew!! They grow so much in the first year!

  2. Wow, he's walking and carrying the toolbox. I'm impressed!

    Happy Birthday to Andrew and Tori. I think I got Bri's birthday already. Hmm, maybe not. Happy Birthday to Bri, too. Rachel thinks ten years old is the ultimate age (when I'm ten...), so you must be really lucky.

  3. My goodness! Three in a row, just like that? Must be exciting! :-) Happy Birthday to all your kiddo's!


  4. Happy Birthday, sweet boy! Hugs, Shelby!

    In Him,


  5. I know, Tanya! And that first year goes by sooo fast too!

    Hi Anna! He's a pretty good walker now, it is too cute to see him try to run with his chubby little bowed legs ;)...

    "Rachel thinks ten years old is the ultimate age"..that is so cute :).

    Hi Melanie! Yep, and Lee's and mine are at the end of August so five of our six so far birthdays are within six weeks! It's what we call the "Birthday Season" around here ;).

    Thank you Christine :).

  6. Happy Birthday Andrew! I have an Andrew too!

    God Bless,

