
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Blessed Be the Name of the LORD. ~Job 1:21

Just wanted to let everyone know that my last blood draw showed that my
numbers were dropping pretty dramatically. Our baby has died and our family
has a new little tie to the heavenly kingdom, where all of God's children's
citizenship truly lies. I look forward to meeting our tiny treasure one day.
Thank you so much for all of your prayers, we can still greatly use your
prayer support. I'll update more later but right now I'm going to go curl up
on the couch with my remaining treasure of children.


  1. Oh Shelby, my eyes filled with tears as I read this post.I am so sorry about the loss of your little one. What a comfort that you will see your precious babe, one day. You are in our prayers. May God pour His comfort upon you.



  2. Sending hugs and more prayers your way.


  3. I have been reading your blog for a while and I wanted to tell you that I have been thinking of you and praying since I read about this yesterday. May God give you comfort and peace. I also have a little one in heaven at the feet of God.


  4. I'm sorry to hear this news, Shelby. I'll keep praying.

  5. Hi Darling!

    I am so sorry for your loss honey. I know we haven't "spoken" in a long while but, I always think of you and your family. You with your 3 girls and then a boy, just like me ;)

    You are in my prayers hon. God is good. Just lean upon Jesus he is your Rock.



  6. I'll be praying for you. I'm sorry y'all had to go through this, but praise God he has blessed with a Christian husband and four blessings yet to snuggle with.


  7. {{{{{Oh Sweetie}}}}}

    That's so sad. It's always hard when you loose a child, I don't care how young they are. We'll be praying for you here in Illinois.

    Love, Aunt Sue

  8. I am so sorry you have been going through so much. I lost another baby recently as well, and I know how exhausting it can be physically and emotionally. I am lifting you up in prayer. Please feel free to email me directly at joshua dot 24 dot fifteen at juno dot com , if you would like. Even two weeks after my most recent miscarriage I find myself often in tears over things that I am not normally upset over. My heart is so very raw. I am here if you need a friend.

    Thank you for taking the time to let me know you are still reading and following along in the study :). There is absolutely NO pressure to write about the study on your blog...your family comes first...I just thought I would see if anyone is still stopping by the blog to read.

    I pray you have a peaceful week and find joy in the Lord’s comfort.



  9. :(

    I'm so sorry.....

    Hugs - I'm praying for you,


  10. Thank you so much for everything Christine, you are such a blessing!

    Thank you for the hugs, Mary Jo, and just for letting me know you have been thinking about me. I think I'm ready to come out of my self-induced cocoon now ;), I'll be emailing you back soon!

    Thank you so much for all of your emails and other support, Tanya. I thank God for such a good friend! I hope you are reveling in enjoying your new baby! *It* is just beautiful (I don't want to give away the boy/girl thing until you've posted on your blog ;)).

    Gina, thank you so much for your prayer support! I'll be emailing you in just a bit...

    Anna, thank you for your hugs and just for being there when I needed someone to talk to, you've been such a blessing to me through this ordeal!

    Thank you for your prayers Tammy! It has meant so much to me to have so many sisters in Christ lifting me up in prayer!

    It was so neat to hear from you again, Nadine! How's your boy :)? I think of you all a lot as well! Thank you so much for your prayers. You're so right, God is good!

    Yes Melanie, I am still greatly blessed and my arms aren't empty! I can't imagine what it would have been like to not have my other sweet littles for comfort (and distraction ;)).

    Thank you for your prayers and your comment, Aunt Sue, it meant a lot to me that you took the time to send some comfort my way.

    Thank you for the comment, Tina. I have been really getting so much out of the bible study! I wouldn't have ordered the book when I did had I not followed the link from Christine's blog to your study blog and it has been a great inspiration to me right now as I deal with all of this. I'll be emailing you in a bit as well.

    Thank you for your comment Marie, I'll have to come check out how your little one is doing :). Most of my computer time for the last long while has been in research!
