
Saturday, October 28, 2006

4 Weeks Old Already?!

When I handed Andrew to a friend the other day her first words were, "My, he's thriving, isn't he?". He already weighs more than the girls did at two months! 

 And now I need to get back to my laundry. We've been without a dryer for a few days now so I have a lot of catching up to do. It was interesting but we made it. I just washed what was needed and we hung it up on a clothesline Lee rigged up for me inside. Just before we were really starting to run out of burp rags, etc. the neighbor lady told me to send a load to have dried when the girls went over to visit, that was such a blessing!!! Lee was able to get it fixed last night and it was so exciting to pull out that first dry load, I will never dread folding clothes again :)! I should be caught up by tomorrow morning. Bethani is going through a phase where she doesn't like to keep her diaper on in the mornings so I have a lot of bedding to wash...


  1. What a handsome little fellow! He is cute. :) Wow, doesn't the time just fly by!

    Glad your dryer is back and running. :)

  2. How much does he weigh now?


  3. Time is going much too quickly :(. He has gained even more weight since his two week appointment than I had thought! He already weighs 11and a half pounds...the s didn't hit 12 pounds until FOUR MONTHS!!! I'm thinking he will probably hit 12 pounds before they did ;).

  4. that should, of course, say"girls" up there where the solitary S is sitting :). I forgot to trick the filter...

  5. You have had four for awhile now. Please tell me, will I ever be able to accomplish anything besides the bare minimum again :)?! Just need to know, heehee ;).

  6. Oh you will, don't worry!! I still have days where I feel like I got nothing done, but it is so worth it. I kow you know that! :) I'm already wanting another baby, so it must'nt be to hard. LOL :)

  7. That's nice to hear ;)...
