
Friday, July 7, 2006

Big Sister-in-Training

Some for you...

and some for me...

By the way, here is the little guy she's practicing for :)...

Can't you see the family resemblance :)?

This ultrasound photo was taken at 20 weeks, we're at 30 now! Just a couple more months!


  1. Sweet!

    Sorry can't see the resemblance.... :)

  2. Love seeing the baby in-utero. We had to do the 3-d thing for this last one. Sooo neat! You little girl will make a great sis. That is hilarious. You can just see how the mind works. "Hummmm, that looks good. Don't mind if I do."

  3. Tanya- Ya, me either :). I can't wait to see what a boy is going to look like! In fact, that is almost the first thing we have all said from me to my mom and sisters, "What's he going to look like?!" All of our s looked sooo similar when they were born, how does that translate into maleness :)?

    Leigh Ann- Oh! I bet that was exciting! The ultrasound technician had 3-D capability but apparently baby wasn't cooperating when it came time to try it out :(. Oh well! We need to save something new for next time if God so blesses us!

  4. I can't wait to see what he looks like too! Are you a bit nervouse about having a boy. I just love our boys, sure they can be sometimes more difficult, but when they say " I love you, mommy", it just melts my heart! :) Or they give a big smile, that reads"mommy you are the best!"

  5. Hi there, I was just browsing your blog! I too am pregnant with my 4th (27 weeks tomorrow!!). I have 3 girls and am preggers with a boy (finally!).I though I'd post a comment and say hello!

    Please visit me at my blog as well: and say hello :-)



  6. Hi Tanya, well I *wasn't* nrervous until someone I trusted just told me boys are more difficult! Just kidding ;), I was nervous at first but now I'm just really excited. It's funny because when I was little I would actually pray that God would only give me s when I "grew up" :). After our third I thought maybe he was giving me what I had wanted :), the problem was I had changed my mind :). I praise the Lord that He knows better than we do :)! Not that I would have been disappointed if it had been another , but I had definitely warmed up to the idea of a boy :). I went shopping yesterday and bought lots of BLUE :), that was fun and it was nice to see that there really are some cute clothes out there for little boys. When you just glance over boys clothes they look pretty boring :). Now, after what I saw yesterday I'm worrying about clothing him 10 years from now...but maybe I'm getting ahead of myself :).

    Nice to *meet* you Nadine :). I just came back from your blog a bit ago and left you a comment :). Congratulations on your new little one! I wonder if your littlegirls are as excited as mine?!

  7. that my filter won't filter out the word "boy" all of the time like it does when I type"girl" :)...
