
Sunday, July 2, 2006

I Did It!

     Here is the first picture I took with my first digital camera :). It's Bethani and her new dough :). Even tonight at supper she was begging for play dough :). I also figured out today, with Lee's help of course, how to transfer them to the computer, isn't it fun to learn new things?

    And here she is at the fireworks last night, known here as "barkers", courtesy of a 2 year old Bri :). It took us the longest time to figure out what "barkers" were. Once we did it sort of stuck, though we never did figure out why she called them that. Bethani was enthralled :)! We have another picture of her with her fingers in her ears ;).


  1. For your imput into the discussion at choosing home. I also think there are women who will read this and be confused and go into error, even though I know that is not her intent. I get so frustrated sometimes and don't want to post, but I think the rebuttal is necessary in such a public presentation.

    Also, your girl looks so much like my nephew before they cut off all his curls. SO Cute!!

    Leigh Ann

  2. I'm getting very frustrated with this whole thing and am about ready to pull out. It just burdens my heart so. They still won't deal with the actual texts. They just keep using other texts to say because of them the actual texts can't possibly mean what they say.

    Anyway, thank you for your kind words. And congratulations on your little one to be.

    Leigh Ann

  3. When I was told that being silent in church doesn't mean you can't teach with authority over men (how exactly do you teach while being silent?) I realized I was hitting a brick wall. I have to admit part of me wanted to chuckle (that just didn't make sense!!!) but mostly I was just so saddened at the direction it was going and my seeming lack of affect, and I realized it was time to bail :(. It also seemed to kind of be turning into a "commercial" of sorts for the one lady's DVD set...It was nice to "meet" you though!



  4. Know exactly how you feel and was saying the same to Hubby tonight. He agreed with the brick wall thing. As a scholar, he was horrified that she was putting her study above the majority of scholars (conservative and liberal alike) who

    disagree with her. And these are men and women who have made this their life's work and have no agenda but what the text actually says. GRRRRRRRRR!! i get to emotionally invovled. Anyway, unless he tells me to go back and post something, I'm out.

    I'm glad to have met you as well. Can you tell me what kind of church you go to?

    Leigh Ann

  5. I haven't even been back to choosing home since I last ducked out. I have no intention of responding to their arguments anymore and part of me feels like I would be rubber-necking to just sit on the side lines and watch them go at it :). I don't know, maybe I'll check it out again after it all blows over..

    On the church question, which answer do you want; the short answer, the long answer, or the expanded long answer ;)? In short, we don't. But, I'm pretty sure that wasn't exactly what you were looking for so I'll give you the long answer :) (don't worry, I'll try to keep it "short". Of course, that's not saying much, my husband calls my Christmas letters novels. :)).

    We would love to find a church family to fellowship and serve with and have been looking for awhile but we have such different views on church than the mainstream that there really isn't much selection out there for us :(. We are non-denominational which makes it kind of hard because then no denomination wants you :). We also believe in the family integrated style of worship, our first clue that a church isn't for us is usually someone coming up to us in the sanctuary telling us to follow them and they'll show us where to pack off all of the children (especially when there is a baby amongst them :)). As homeschoolers it doesn't make sense to us to drop our children off in different rooms a couple of times a week (at least) to get some of the most important education they will ever receive! Even among Christians there is such differences in beliefs that they could very easily pick up something we don't endorse, and we could possibly never even know it. The church we are still currently pondering is an independant fundamental baptist church. But, to be completely honest we're wondering if God is calling us to a "church" per se at all. I definitely believe that we need christian fellowship but I do not believe that that requires church attendance (church as in attending a certain kind of building), especially if the fellowship we are getting at a church pulls us apart as a family and fosters a bad attitude in our children. Our "dream church" would be to meet with a few other like-minded families in a homey setting where we can foster real relationships with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, where we don't have to worry about our tithe money going to support a beach retreat for the youth or what ever else the church decides they need to keep up with the church across the street :(. I have no problem with people going to "real" church. If you can find the right one I think it can be a great tool for a family but I think they are a lot fewer and further between than most people realize.

    So, that is the long answer :). I've been thinking of doing a post on this for awhile so maybe sometime next week I will be able to make a post of my expanded long answer :), which would include scripture and a little more depth.

    Have a grace-filled day in Him!


  6. I hopped back over there because I was curious to see what else you had to say, Leigh Ann. Great posts! I also saw where one of the ladies said that men shouldn't rule over us because God told Eve she would be ruled over, not Adam that he should rule. Ummm, isn't that along the same lines as being able to teach the men while being silent in church? Impossible! How are we to be ruled over if there is no one ruling. I can't quite grasp the logic...very interesting. If I tell my daughter, "Your sister is in charge while I'm out of the room" within my oldest daughter's hearing she wouldn't have to be a genius to figure out that she is in charge while I'm out of the room :). Anyway, there was no way I was jumping back in over there, it's pretty crazy! Just wanted you to know, great post (I really like Monika's summing up of it all too!)!

  7. Sweet pictures. I remember when Rebecca was about the same age as Bethani and she saw fireworks for the first time. It was fun to watch her, she kept looking to see where they disappeared too. :)

  8. Aren't babies fun :)? It is one of our customs every July 4th to shoot off a few fireworks of our own and top off the night with homemade ice cream in a cone. Well, tonight Bri said, "With a little one in the family I had a hard time deciding where to look! I wanted to see the fireworks but Bethani was being too cute too! It was even more fun to watch her with her ice cream than to eat my own!". I thought that was cute:).

    It was Bethani's first ice cream cone, soooo funny! I wish I had thought to take a picture when she was done but I had the video camera on so it didn't even cross my mind until after her much needed bath. She couldn't get the concept of eating it out of the cone so she would stick her little finger in and use it as a spoon, and there was no way she was going to eat the cone :)! She wanted it refilled instead! (They were mini cones) I was very glad that we had opted to have our treat out doors by the time she was done. :).

  9. Babies are fun, the girls love watching Benjamin do things or the faces he makes when he eats a bit of food. :) He is 9 months and still would rather nurse, which is fine with me. i let him try babyfood, sometimes he likes it other times not. :) That would have been a picture with Bethani's first ice cream cone! Cute what Bri said. :)

    We love having a baby in the home. :)
